

A Web Processing Service for RVIC streamflow routing model

View the Project on GitHub pacificclimate/osprey

Developer Guide

Building the docs

Most of the documentation is static and does not need to be “built”. That being said the jupyter notebooks that serve as demos need to be built whenever they are changed. This can be done with the Makefile.

$ make docs

Running tests

Run tests using pytest.

First activate the osprey Python environment and install pytest.

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt  # if not already installed
# OR
(venv)$ make install

Run quick tests (skip slow and online):

(venv)$ pytest -m 'not slow and not online'"

Run all tests:

(venv)$ pytest

You can also run tests on the notebooks using the Makefile.

$ make test-notebooks

Check black formatting:

(venv)$ black .

Run tests the lazy way

Do the same as above using the Makefile

$ make test
$ make test-all
$ make lint

Bump a new version

Make a new version of osprey in the following steps:

See the bumpversion documentation for details.